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Privacy Policy

Effective Date: June 19, 2024

Thank you for engaging with TurboDoc («TurboDoc», «we», «us», «our»). Protecting your personal information and privacy rights is paramount to us. Should you have any inquiries regarding this privacy notice or our handling of your personal data, please reach out to us at [email protected].

By accessing our website https://turbodoc.io/ (the «Website») or its subdomains, and utilizing any of our services (the «Services», encompassing the Website and its subdomains), you entrust us with your personal information. We hold your privacy in high regard and aim to elucidate in the clearest manner possible the nature of information we gather, its utilization, and your associated rights. We urge you to attentively peruse this privacy notice, as it carries significant importance. Should any terms herein be disagreeable, kindly cease using our Services immediately.

This privacy notice extends to all data collected through our Services, including our Website, as well as any ancillary services, sales, marketing, or events.

Please read this privacy notice carefully as it will help you understand what we do with the information that we collect.


Personal information you disclose to us 

In summary: We accumulate personal data provided by you.

We collate personal data voluntarily furnished by you upon registration on the Website, expression of interest in our products and services, engagement in Website activities, or communication with us. The nature of personal information gathered hinges on the context of your interaction with us and the Website, your preferences, and the features utilized. The personal data we amass may include:

• Personal Information Supplied by You: Names, email addresses, passwords, billing addresses, debit/credit card numbers, and similar particulars.

• Payment Data: Data essential for payment processing, such as payment instrument details (e.g., credit card number) and associated security codes. All payment data is stored by Stripe. For further information, please refer to their privacy notice(s) here: https://stripe.com/en-in/privacy.

• Mailbox Login Data: Provision of the option to register using existing mailbox account details, like Gmail. For more information, see section 11 «Google API Data Compliance».

• Mailbox Email Data: Viewing and sending emails in Google Mail to determine the presence of invoices in the letters and their subsequent processing (when the add-on is enabled). For more information, see section 4 “Use of Third-Party AI Models” and 11 «Google API Data Compliance».

All personal information provided must be accurate, complete, and true, with any changes promptly communicated to us.


Automatically Collected Information

In summary: Certain information is automatically collected upon Website visitation.

We automatically gather specific information during Website access, usage, or navigation. This information, although not identifying you directly (e.g., name or contact details), may encompass device and usage data, including IP addresses, browser and device characteristics, operating systems, language preferences, referring URLs, device names, country, location, and other technical data. This data primarily supports Website security and operation, along with internal analytics and reporting. Like many enterprises, we employ cookies and akin technologies for information collection. The gathered information comprises:

Log and Usage Data: Service-related, diagnostic, usage, and performance information automatically collected by our servers upon Website access or usage. This log data might incorporate your IP address, device specifics, browser configurations, activity within the Website, device event information, etc.

Device Data: Information pertaining to the device used for Website access, encompassing IP addresses, device and application identification numbers, location, browser type, hardware model, internet service provider, mobile carrier, operating system, and system configurations.

Location Data: Device location particulars, either precise or imprecise, contingent on device type and settings. For instance, GPS and analogous technologies might be used for geolocation data collection based on your IP address. You can opt out of location information collection by refusing access or disabling Location settings, albeit doing so may restrict certain Service features.

Information Obtained from External Sources

In summary: Limited data might be sourced from public databases, marketing affiliates, social media platforms, and other external channels.

To bolster our marketing, offerings, and record updates, we might procure information from external sources such as public databases, joint marketing affiliates, affiliate programs, data providers, social media platforms, and third-party entities. This data might encompass mailing addresses, job titles, email addresses, phone numbers, intent data, IP addresses, social media profiles, URLs, custom profiles, etc. Social media account interactions (e.g., Facebook or Twitter) might yield personal information like name, email address, and gender, contingent on your account privacy settings.


In summary: We process your information for purposes based on legitimate business interests, the fulfillment of our contract with you, compliance with our legal obligations, and/or your consent.

Personal information collected through our Website serves various business objectives outlined below. We undertake such processing activities relying on legitimate business interests, contractual necessity, consent, and/or legal compliance. The specific processing grounds for each purpose are indicated alongside.

We employ the information collected or received as follows:

• Facilitate Account Creation and Logon Process: If you opt to connect your account with us to a third-party account (such as Google), we utilize the information permitted for collection from those third parties to facilitate the account creation and logon process for contract performance.

• Post Testimonials: Testimonials containing personal information may be posted on our Website. Before posting a testimonial, we obtain your consent to utilize your name and testimonial content. Should you wish to update or delete your testimonial, kindly contact us at [email protected], providing your name, testimonial location, and contact details.

• Request Feedback: Your information may be used to solicit feedback and communicate with you regarding your Website usage.

• Enable User-to-User Communications: Information may be utilized to enable user-to-user communications with individual consent. 

• Manage User Accounts: Information may be utilized to manage our accounts and ensure their operational integrity.

• Send Administrative Information: Personal information may be utilized to dispatch product, service, and new feature details, and/or communicate changes to our terms, conditions, and policies.

• Protect Our Services: Information may be utilized in our efforts to maintain the safety and security of our Website, including fraud monitoring and prevention.

• Enforce Terms, Conditions, and Policies: Information may be utilized for business purposes, legal and regulatory compliance, or contractual obligations concerning the enforcement of our terms, conditions, and policies.

• Respond to Legal Requests and Prevent Harm: In the event of receiving a subpoena or other legal request, we may need to review the data held to determine an appropriate response.

• Fulfill and Manage Orders: Information may be used to fulfill and manage orders, payments, returns, and exchanges made via the Website.

• Administer Prize Draws and Competitions: Information may be utilized to administer prize draws and competitions for participants’ voluntary involvement.

• Deliver and Facilitate Service Delivery: Information may be utilized to provide requested services to users.

• Respond to User Inquiries/Offer Support: Information may be utilized to address inquiries and resolve potential issues users may encounter with our Services.

• Send Marketing and Promotional Communications: We and/or our third-party marketing partners may utilize personal information provided by you for marketing purposes, subject to your marketing preferences. For instance, when expressing interest in obtaining information about us or our Website, subscribing to marketing materials, or contacting us, we collect personal information from you. You retain the option to opt-out of marketing emails at any time (refer to «WHAT ARE YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS» below).


In Summary: We only share information with your consent, to comply with laws, to provide you with services, to protect your rights, or to fulfill business obligations.

We may process or share your data based on the legal grounds outlined below:

• Consent: Your data may be processed if you have granted us specific consent to utilize your personal information for a particular purpose.

• Legitimate Interests: Data processing may occur when reasonably necessary to achieve our legitimate business interests.

• Performance of a Contract: If a contract has been established with you, we may process your personal information to fulfill the contractual terms.

• Legal Obligations: Disclosure of your information may transpire where legally mandated to comply with applicable law, governmental requests, judicial proceedings, court orders, or legal processes, such as in response to a court order or subpoena (including compliance with public authorities to meet national security or law enforcement prerequisites).

• Vital Interests: Information may be disclosed if deemed essential to investigate, prevent, or take action concerning potential policy violations, suspected fraud, situations posing potential threats to individuals’ safety, illegal activities, or as evidence in litigation in which we are engaged. 

More precisely, your data may need processing or sharing in the following instances:

• Business Transfers: Information may be shared or transferred in connection with, or during discussions of, any merger, sale of company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or part of our business by another entity.

• Vendors, Consultants, and Other Third-Party Service Providers: Your data may be shared with third-party vendors, service providers, contractors, or agents conducting services on our behalf and necessitating access to such information for that purpose. Examples encompass payment processing, data analysis, email delivery, hosting services, customer service, and marketing initiatives. Selected third parties may utilize tracking technology on the Website to collect data about your interactions with it over time. This data may be utilized to analyze and monitor data, assess the popularity of specific content, pages, or features, and gain a better understanding of online activity. Save as detailed in this notice, we do not share, sell, rent, or trade any of your information with third parties for promotional endeavors. Contracts are established with our data processors, aimed at safeguarding your personal information. Consequently, they are prohibited from processing your personal information unless instructed to do so by us. Additionally, they undertake not to disclose your personal information to any entity other than us, and commit to safeguarding the data they hold on our behalf for the instructed duration.

• Affiliates: Your information may be shared with our affiliates, contingent upon their adherence to this privacy notice. Affiliates encompass our parent company, subsidiaries, joint venture partners, or entities under common control with us.

• Business Partners: Information may be shared with business partners to provide certain products, services, or promotions.

4. Use of Third-Party AI Models

TurboDoc uses Mindee’s AI model for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to process invoices and receipts. When you enable the email integration feature, TurboDoc accesses your emails to identify and extract invoices and receipts. The data shared includes:

Images or PDFs of invoices and receipts

The data is shared to automate the extraction of information from invoices and receipts, such as vendor details, amounts, and dates.
Mindee’s AI model processes the data to provide accurate OCR results and does not use it for any other purpose. For more details, see Mindee’s Privacy policy.
The email integration feature is optional and can be enabled or disabled at any time. Users control whether TurboDoc accesses their emails for processing.
TurboDoc is committed to protecting your data and ensuring its ethical use. We comply with data protection regulations and have strong security measures in place..


In Summary: We exclusively disclose information to the subsequent third parties.

Your information is solely shared and divulged to the subsequent third parties. We have segmented each party to elucidate the intention behind our data collection and processing practices. Should we have processed your data based on your consent and you wish to retract your consent, kindly reach out to us using the contact details provided on our Website.

• Advertising, Direct Marketing, and Lead Generation:

Google AdSense

• Facilitate User Connection to Third-Party Accounts:

Google account

• Cloud Computing Services:

Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform

• Communication and Chat with Users:


• Data Backup and Security:

Google Drive Backup

• Invoice and Billing:


• User Account Registration and Authentication:

Google OAuth 2.0

• Web and Mobile Analytics:

Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager

• Gmail integration

Google Mail



In Summary: We may employ cookies and analogous tracking technologies to gather and retain your information.

We may utilize cookies and akin tracking technologies (such as web beacons and pixels) to access or retain information. Detailed information regarding how we employ such technologies and how you can decline specific cookies is delineated in our Cookie Notice.


In Summary: We retain your information for the duration necessary to fulfill the purposes delineated in this privacy notice unless mandated otherwise by law.

We shall retain your personal information solely for the duration requisite to fulfill the purposes expounded in this privacy notice, unless a prolonged retention period is necessitated or sanctioned by law (such as tax, accounting, or other legal requirements). No objective stipulated in this notice shall necessitate retaining your personal information for a duration exceeding the period during which users possess an account with us. Upon cessation of any ongoing legitimate business necessity to process your personal information, we shall either expunge or anonymize such information. If the aforementioned actions are unfeasible (for instance, due to storage of your personal information in backup archives), we shall securely retain your personal information and isolate it from further processing until expungement becomes viable.


In Summary: We endeavor to safeguard your personal information via a framework of organizational and technical security measures.

We have implemented suitable technical and organizational security measures devised to safeguard the security of any personal information we process. Nevertheless, notwithstanding our protective measures and endeavors to secure your information, no electronic transmission over the Internet or information storage technology can be unequivocally guaranteed to be 100% secure. Therefore, we cannot assure or guarantee that hackers, cybercriminals, or other unauthorized third parties will be incapable of circumventing our security measures and illicitly accessing, procuring, stealing, or altering your information. Despite our utmost efforts to safeguard your personal information, transmission of personal information to and from our Website transpires at your own risk. It is advisable to access the Website solely within a secure environment.


In Summary: We refrain from knowingly collecting data from or marketing to individuals under the age of 18.

We abstain from consciously soliciting data from or marketing to individuals under the age of 18. By utilizing the Website, you assert that you are at least 18 years old or are the guardian of such a minor and consent to the usage of the Website by such minor dependent. Should we become aware that personal information has been obtained from users under the age of 18, we will promptly deactivate the account and undertake reasonable measures to expeditiously erase such data from our records. If you become aware of any data we may have collected from individuals under the age of 18, please contact us at [email protected].


In Summary: In certain regions, like the European Economic Area, you possess rights affording you increased access to and control over your personal information. You may review, amend, or terminate your account at any juncture.

In particular regions (such as the European Economic Area), you are entitled to specific rights under pertinent data protection laws. These may encompass the right (i) to request access to and acquire a copy of your personal information, (ii) to request rectification or erasure, (iii) to restrict the processing of your personal information, and (iv) where applicable, to data portability. Under certain circumstances, you may also have the right to object to the processing of your personal information. To initiate such a request, please utilize the contact information available on our Website. We will duly consider and address any request in compliance with relevant data protection legislation.

If we rely on your consent to process your personal information, you retain the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, please note that such action will not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out before consent withdrawal, nor will it impact processing activities conducted based on legal grounds other than consent. Should you reside in the European Economic Area and believe that we are unlawfully processing your personal information, you also possess the right to lodge a complaint with your local data protection supervisory authority. Their contact details can be found here: https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection_en. For residents of Switzerland, the contact information for data protection authorities is accessible here: https://www.edoeb.admin.ch/edoeb/en/home.html . Should you have inquiries or comments regarding your privacy rights, feel free to email us at [email protected].

Account Information: Should you wish to review, modify, or terminate the information stored in your account, you can do so by:

Utilizing the contact information provided on our Website.

Upon your request to terminate your account, we will deactivate or delete your account and associated information from our active databases. However, certain information may be retained in our records to prevent fraud, resolve issues, aid in investigations, enforce our Terms of Use, and/or adhere to applicable legal obligations.

Cookies and Similar Technologies:

Most web browsers are typically configured to accept cookies by default. However, if you prefer, you can opt to delete or reject cookies. Bear in mind that such action may impact certain features or services offered through our Website.

Opting Out of Email Marketing:

You can opt out of receiving marketing emails from us at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided in the emails we send or by contacting us using the details provided below. Subsequently, you will be removed from our marketing email list. Nonetheless, we may still communicate with you for service-related matters, such as administration and usage of your account, responding to service requests, or other non-marketing purposes. To opt out through other means, you can:

Utilize the contact details provided on our Website.


Numerous web browsers, as well as certain mobile operating systems and mobile applications, incorporate a Do-Not-Track («DNT») feature or setting that allows you to express your preference for privacy by indicating your objection to the monitoring and collection of data concerning your online browsing activities. Currently, there is no universally accepted technology standard for recognizing and implementing DNT signals. Consequently, we presently do not acknowledge or act upon DNT browser signals or any other mechanism that automatically conveys your decision not to be tracked online. Should a standard for online tracking be adopted that we are obligated to adhere to in the future, we will apprise you of such practice in a revised rendition of this privacy notice.


In compliance with the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements, we disclose that the TurboDoc use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy. We use integration with the Google API to determine the presence of invoices in emails and their subsequent processing (extracting data from them and converting it into a structured view using third-party AI model — see section 4 for more information); to use user data for registration and further login to the TurboDoc personal account. For the convenience of our users, the complete policy can be accessed by Google API Services User Data Policy.


In Summary: Indeed, we will revise this notice as required to ensure compliance with applicable laws.

This privacy notice may undergo updates periodically. An updated «Revised» date will denote the amended version, which will become effective upon accessibility. In the event of significant alterations to this privacy notice, we may notify you by prominently displaying a notice of such changes or by directly transmitting a notification to you. We encourage you to routinely review this privacy notice to stay abreast of the measures we undertake to safeguard your information.


If you have inquiries or comments regarding this notice, you may reach out to us via email at [email protected].


Depending on the laws applicable in your jurisdiction, you may have the entitlement to request access to, amend, or delete the personal information we gather from you under certain circumstances. To petition for a review, update, or deletion of your personal information, please contact: [email protected]. We will address your request within a period of 30 days.